
The Joys of Sect

Date January 13, 2025-January 13, 2025

A fundraiser for the Alexandria iBase Project

Please adjust your time zone for this online presentation: Seven pm US central time, 8 pm eastern, 5 pm Pacific.

All the proceeds from this event will go the the non-profit organization, Alexandria iBase Project online library catalogue and digital special collections. The library is donor supported and free to use for everyone and you are invited to check it out at Alexandriaibase.org. As usual, there is no charge for AOA members.

For non-members, a minimum $5.50 donation will reserve your seat. Donations of more than that amount are welcome and very much appreciated. Please indicate, in the comments section of the payment page, which lecture/lectures you are signing up for so that we can ensure that you receive the correct link.

NOTE: An AOA membership benefit is free access to all of our regular Monday meetings. Check that out here. https://astrologykansascity-aoa.com/membership/


Sect is an ancient astrological concept. It reflects the deep understanding of our astrological ancestors of the connection between day and night and human behavior. The basics of Sect are simple. The seven traditional planets are assigned to two teams depending on whether they do better when they are warmed up or cooled down. Sect is also linked to the Parts of Fortune and Spirit as well as Essential Dignity.

This webinar will describe what Sect is, how it is determined, and when a planet is considered in hayz, joy, or ex conditione. Through chart examples, you will see the power of using this basic tool to add depth and insight to your astrological interpretations.


Enid Newberg has been a librarian, childbirth educator, paralegal, IT administrator, entrepreneur, and teacher. In 1993, she became involved in the dream of creating an academic college where astrology would be openly taught and joined the board of Kepler College. She was President of the college for 14 years and has taught astrology for Kepler, the International Academy of Astrology, and other organizations over the past 25 years.