
The 29th Degree

Date February 10, 2025-February 10, 2025

A fundraiser for the Alexandria iBase Project

Please adjust your time zone for this online presentation: Seven pm central time, 8 pm eastern, 5 pm Pacific.

All the proceeds from this event will go the the non-profit organization, Alexandria iBase Project online library catalogue and digital special collections. The library is donor supported and free to use for everyone and you are invited to check it out at Alexandriaibase.org. As usual, there is no charge for AOA members.

For non-members, a minimum $5.50 donation will reserve your seat. Donations of more than that amount are welcome and very much appreciated. Please indicate, in the comments section of the payment page, which lecture/lectures you are signing up for so that we can ensure that you receive the correct link.

NOTE: An AOA membership benefit is free access to all of our regular Monday meetings. Check that out here. https://astrologykansascity-aoa.com/membership/

Lecture Description

The 29th degree of any sign has implications of finality, endings, and change. It is called the Anaretic Degree. With Neptune fast approaching the 29th degree of Pisces first in summer 2024 and then again in spring 2025 and on the fixed star Scheat – much fear and trepidation accompanies this rare cycle.

Georgia Stathis will present some of the historical perspectives on the degree and both the challenging as well as positive implications when looking both at one’s chart as well as world events. Georgia’s teaching style is both entertaining as well as educational and everyone should take away a kernel of possibility after this lecture.


A first-generation Greek-American whose cultural roots are in myth, story, and trade, Georgia Stathis is a USA based astrologer and popular international lecturer who received a BS degree from Northwestern University in Chicago and an MBA degree from Pepperdine University in California. She started her practice in 1977 and is a regular contributor to the astrological community through books, articles, lectures and a variety of learning materials, including the annual Starcycles Calendar.

Georgia teaches internationally and her articles are frequently featured in such publications as The Traders’ Astrological Almanac, published by Linda Long (available by writing pas24@aug.com). She has also contributed to The Mountain Astrologer, ISAR and ISBA International Journals, several Llewellyn publications as well as The Encyclopedia of Astrology and various international websites.