with Andrea Gherz
A fundraiser for the Alexandria iBase Project
Please adjust your time zone for this online presentation: Seven pm central time, 8 pm eastern, 5 pm Pacific.
All the proceeds from this event will go the the non-profit organization, Alexandria iBase Project online library catalogue and digital special collections. The library is donor supported and free to use for everyone and you are invited to check it out at Alexandriaibase.org. As usual, there is no charge for AOA members.
For non-members, a minimum $5.50 donation will reserve your seat. Donations of more than that amount are welcome and very much appreciated. Please indicate, in the comments section of the payment page, which lecture/lectures you are signing up for so that we can ensure that you receive the correct link.
Lecture Description:
Have you ever felt unnoticed, under-expressed, too shy, or scared of life or the transits? Come to this event and turn your life around!! Did you know astrology is built on an ancient Mega-Manifestation theory called Teleology? Building on the concepts of Teleology AND modern manifestation studies like “The Secret”, this event will take astrologers to the next level. Learn how to never fear a transit, but instead harness the energies to create a full and hyper-expressed life. Each natal aspect will be expressed in its own special way, giving us a lot to talk about. For more information on Teleology, check out this article on astro.com: https://www.astro.com/astrology/tma_article151001_e.htm.
Nowadays, Andrea can be found at the Moira Press, running a bookstore and events space/school. Through the daily events at the Moira Press, astrologers from all over the globe read high level textbooks, have deep discussions about the topic of the week, learn to read their own charts, become better astrologers, and much more. Andrea is also available for Astrology Readings, Tutoring, and one-on-one mentoring. Would you like to work with Andrea or join the Moira Press community/school? Email Andrea at agehrz@gmail.com to get on her mailing list, or friend her at Facebook to talk to her daily. Send a friend request to Andrea Gehrz. Her website is andreagehrz.com. She would love to hear from you!