Dr. Dennis Harness is this month’s speaker and we will be on Zoom. There is no fee for AOA members. It is $5.50 for non-members. Register with PayPal below. The link to the Zoom call will be sent out to the email address provided in the PayPal payment on Sunday evening, November 10.
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Come and explore the astrological system from India as we compare and contrast Vedic Astrology with the Western systems.
We will analyze the similarities and differences with planets, signs, houses, transits between sidereal and tropical approaches.
A unique feature of the Vedic Astrology are the planetary planets (Dashas) can indicate future trends and developmental life cycles. This analysis is particularly for gaining a more comprehensive overview of one’s life. Your Vedic chart reflects your soul’s blueprint regarding your career, relationships, health and spiritual growth. Join us as we explore the evolution of your soul’s journey.
Dr. Harness will be providing you a three page Vedic chart for $10. Just email him at dennis@dennisharness.com with your birth information and postal address at least one week before his presentation. Payment can be made through Venmo at: @dennisharness, Zelle at: 928-300-6721 or by check to Dennis Harness, Ph.D.
Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D. (Dayananda) is a professional astrologer who holds a doctorate degree in Counseling Psychology. For more than thirty years, Dennis has studied both Eastern and Western techniques of astrology. He teaches workshops on Vedic Astrology and Transpersonal Psychology throughout the world. Dr. Harness is the President Emeritus of the American College of Vedic Astrology in Sedona, Arizona. He is the primary organizer of the annual Sedona Vedic Astrology Conferences.
Dennis is the author of The Nakshatras: The Lunar Mansions of Vedic Astrology, which is published by Lotus Press. Dr. Harness is currently working on a new trilogy titled The Karmic Code: Planetary Cycles of the Soul.
Dennis M. Harness, Ph.D.
P.O. Box 2149
Sedona, AZ 86339
Phone: (928) 282-6595
E-Mail: dennis@dennisharness.com